Public Service Announces Promotion Conditions for Rank Ten and Below Personnel


Citizen – Riyadh

The Department of the Public Service announced the conditions for promotion of Tier 10 or less in the list of new human resources.

The promotion requires the vacancy of the position and the candidate for promotion must have the qualifications and experience required for the position for which he / she will be promoted, in accordance with the Civil Service Classification Manual, in accordance with the other conditions set out below.


* The employee can be promoted to rank (tenth) or lower under the following conditions:
1- Vacancy of the position to promote.
2. The promotion candidate must have the qualifications and experience required for the position for which he / she will be promoted as specified in the Civil Service Classification Classification Manual.
3. The job to be promoted is ranked immediately next to the rank held by the candidate for promotion.

* The following period shall not be calculated in order to complete the period of experience required for the position to be promoted:

1- Period of exceptional leave.
2. The duration of a scholarship or study or study leave if one of the objectives is not achieved.
3- Absence of absence if no official leave is taken.
4- Extend the palm of the hand if a penalty is inflicted on it.

For more information, please visit the following link:Click here).

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