Aboul Gheit: Terrorism remains the most serious threat for the Arab region



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Monday, March 4, 2019 – 8:35 pm
| Last update:
Monday, March 4, 2019 – 8:35 pm

The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that terrorism remains the most serious threat to the Arab region, both in terms of the scale of its losses and its effects on the stability of the Arab states. companies and their ability to engage in a process of continuous development.

Aboul Gheit, in his speech at the joint ministerial meeting of Arab Ministers of the Interior and Justice on Monday, warned that the Arab region is still exposed to security risks and threats of a nature exceptional.

Aboul Gheit said: "We have proudly recorded remarkable successes in this plague over the last few years, and we gratefully acknowledge our sincere gratitude for the sacrifices of loyal and loyal men who believe that their homeland, their unity and sovereignty are subject to the will of their sons to sacrifice them.

Aboul Gheit added: "We do not attribute credit in the fight against terrorism to security officials alone, nor to men of justice and rights, but the people themselves are the first line of defense against this disease. If societies are unshakeable and people's resolve is resolved, these terrorist groups will find themselves isolated, rejected and unable to achieve their evil goals. "

Aboul Gheit said: "Despite all that has been accomplished during the past period, especially with regard to the further eradication of the Badash epidemic and the cleansing of Arab lands, we should not proud of what we have accomplished.Action methods to hit again. "

Aboul Gheit pointed out that the troubles and fragmentation still facing some Arab countries leave room for such blood groups, and that the uprooting of Da'a and the like does not mean that they are uprooted from the blood. spirits that are still nested and filled with various forms of hate, obsession and extremism.

He pointed out that the tools provided by this era of terrorist groups were superior to previous ones, pointing out that terrorists, depending on the means of communication and digital technology, broadened the recruiting circle and maximized their ability to direct strikes.

Aboul Gheit said that the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior and Justice, responsible for security and justice, should follow the evolution of terrorist crime with new judicial tools and methods of sophisticated security that commercialize the terrorist spirit and the criminal imagination. Borders.

He explained that terrorism and organized crime are two sides of a coin, each promoting and nourishing the other. "We have seen this synergy in the case of Al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations related to organized crime in its different forms".

The Arab Convention on Terrorism, signed in 1998, remains an example of the possibility of developing successful and extensive regional cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organized crime.

He stressed that the meeting, which was the third joint meeting of ministers of interior and justice, had the opportunity to activate Arab security and justice agreements in line with the challenges of the region Arab. He stressed that the agenda of the meeting included a number of topics of vital importance to Arab societies, especially women and children, which is a very important Arab instrument aimed at strengthening cooperation among States Parties to prevent and combat these serious crimes, to protect their victims and to help them to secure all their fundamental rights.

He referred to the Arab Convention on the Transplantation and Transplantation of Organs and Human Tissues and the Prevention and Control of Their Trafficking, which is of great importance to patients in organizing this case and offering guarantees. to facilitate it in the context of legal legitimacy and other issues that are at the heart of Arab national security.

Aboul Gheit said that security is one of the priorities of all societies. There is no development without security or normal political life that can flourish in chaos or crime. He added that the security we seek is one that is based on maintaining order with the highest degree of efficiency and professionalism. The security we aspire to is one that is based on the implementation of the meeting, which gives the meeting an exceptional importance and a privileged position in the framework of a joint Arab action.

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