UEFA changes the draw system of the Champions League


The UEFA Champions League will restart the "draw" at the end of next week, when the quarterfinals and semifinals will be held in a single draw.

The draw usually takes place separately before the start of the tournament. When the names of the qualifying teams have been determined, UEFA has decided to draw for the quarter-finals and semi-finals.

UEFA will play its last draw this season, Friday 15 March, to determine the quarter-finals of the Champions League, then the semi-finals of the tournament.

After the UEFA Champions League draw, UEFA will follow the same strategy for the Europa League draw for the quarter-finals and semi-finals.

UEFA has already used the "total draw" method for the quarter-finals and semi-finals of the millennium, before stopping them in the 2012-2013 season and begins with a draw. separate for each round.

The draw will allow you to know the course of each rival team of the tournament and to post the picture of the teams that the European giants will avoid before the final.

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