Two hormones are responsible for the longevity of women compared to men


Abha: the house

2019-03-09 10:07 PM

Recent studies have shown that testosterone, a male hormone, plays a major role in reducing the age of men, while estrogen, a female hormone, increases women's chances of survival as long as possible.
According to an article in Time magazine, the average American man lives to age 76, according to the latest centers of control and prevention of diseases, while the average American lives to 81 years.

Healthy years

The extra years of women are usually "healthy". The WHO life expectancy index, which calculates the number of years men and women will live without disease or injury, has shown that American men can live 67 years in good health, while women will have 70 years of "complete health".

The theory of age differences

"The gap between men's and women's work is not a new phenomenon, experts know for decades and it's not special for Americans." The expectation gap of Gender is just and is found in all societies, "says Dr. Bermander Sachedev, a professor of psychiatry and neurology at New South Wales University in Australia, who has studied human longevity. some are related to biology, and some are related to behavior to explain that, he said.

Testosterone increases

"Men are more likely to smoke and become obese, and more likely to seek medical help early, and if they are diagnosed with an illness, they are more likely to not be involved." In addition, men are more likely to lead dangerous and deadly lives during car accidents or fights. This proves that human biology, namely the increase of sexual testosterone levels in humans, can lead to this type of problem that shortens its age. A study from Duke University found that high levels of testosterone were associated with serious behavior. Experts say that testosterone could shorten the lives of men in another way. "Sex hormones reduce immune function and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease," said biologist Kwong Kin Min of South Korea. In a 2012 study published in Current Biology, Men and colleagues studied the historical health records of 81 Korean men who had been castrated as children and stopped producing a lot of testosterone. They found that these men had lived longer for 14 to 19 years than men who did not undergo the procedure and shared with them in the same socio-economic situation.

Unclear links

While these links between testosterone and immune function are unclear, the Maine study refers to a laboratory study that showed that testosterone can inhibit the release of some immune cells that fight. On the other hand, many studies link low testosterone levels with heart disease and poor health outcomes for men, so the relationship between testosterone and men's health are complex.

Strong female hormone

Hormones for men may not be malignant and, instead, women's hormones may provide additional benefits that prolong their age. "It seems that estrogen has a protective effect because it has been shown that it plays an antioxidant role," Sachdev said. A 2013 review published in the International Journal of Endocrinology revealed evidence that estrogen can prevent certain damage to DNA, which leads to disease.
The review also showed that estrogen can help maintain healthy cell function. These types of discoveries help to explain the age gap between men and women, as the well-known proverb says: "What does not kill us gives us more strength, and for women this power can translate into longer and healthier life. "

Roles of testosterone in men

High levels are associated with serious behaviors

May prevent the release of certain immune cells
Fight diseases

Low levels
Increase the risk of infection
Heart disease

Roles of estrogen in females

It has preventive roles for public health

It has been proven that it has an important anti-oxidant role

Prevents damage to the DNA that leads to the disease

Helps maintain a healthy cellular function

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