Zahra al-Kharji and Ahmad Jowhar are mortgaged with death


Ahmed Jowhar and Zahra al-Kharji were wounded yesterday by the death of one of their parents, while messages from stars accompanying their colleagues were running through the media accounts.

The death of Zahra Al Kharji's father

Kuwaiti artist Zahra Al-Kharji yesterday announced the death of his father, Haji Mohammed Ahmed Al-Kharji. Through his account of "Ingestram," he inherited it by declaring, "We return to God, and the hearts of His power and abilities are passed on to the mercy of God and to the parents of Haj Mohammed Ahmed Al-Kharji. "

Then she wrote another article in which she expressed her deep sorrow at the loss of her parents: "My beloved father and father are heartbroken, I asked God, who is destined to satisfy me. in this world, to embrace you warmly and warmly, and his mercy .Peace for you … for your eyes … and your spring. "

For its part, Zahra Al-Kharji returned to drama after a break and recently completed two works ready to be exhibited for this Ramadan, the trilogy "Hanan & # 39; s Case" and the sixth "Lo after a while".

The death of Ahmed Jowhar's mother

For its part, the producer lives the Kuwaiti artist Ahmed Jowhar in difficult times after the death of his mother or the need for Fadel Jowhar, and we have to rely on Instagram expenses.

In another context, Ahmed Jowhar will play in his new drama "Dinar Naseeb Mukhtar" in the drama of the holy month of Ramadan through Kuwaiti television, and will present several social and humanitarian problems..

The series is produced by the Al-Azraq Artistic Production Center, with Mohammed Jaber, Abdulrahman Al-Aql, Ahmed Jowhar, Istisr Al-Sharah, Mays Kamar, Shehab Hajih, Khalid Al-Ajairb, Mai Abdullah, Mubarak Sultan, Ismail Al -Rashed and Mohammed Ashour.

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