Break with the Rwandan experience


Break with the Rwandan experience
Break with the Rwandan experience

In the early 1950s, Rahbani's experience was evident in the Arab world, with the flags of Umm Kulthum, Mohammed Abdul Wahab, Shadia, Farid Al Atrash, Faiza Ahmed, and others. Abdul Aziz Mahmoud, Abd al-Halim Hafez, Sultan Huda, Mohammed Fawzi and Mohammed Abd al-Muttalib, followed by Munira al-Mahdia, Sayed Darwish, Abu Khalil al-Qabbani, Syria, Khairi, Sabah Fakhri, Najib Al- Sarraj, Salwa Medha, Rafiq Shukri, Sabah), Nur al-Huda, Wadee al-Safi, Nasri Shams al-Din and Zaki Nassif ZJ recognizable lyric, she ranks among the Muashah and the poem and the role and Tqtoukh.
The presence of these flags in the Arab world is a great creative challenge for tourists, but also a sign of good fortune: the competitive spirit of great singers and poets such as Ahmed Rami and Birm El Tunisi, Sayed Mohammed Hijab, Ahmed Fouad Najem, Mursi Jamil Aziz and composers such as Riad Al-Sunbati, Mohammed Abdul Wahab, Zakaria Ahmed, Mohammed al-Qubasji and Mohammed al-Mughi.
This is important because Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and eastern Jordan, known as the Levant, will be the main stage of the Rahban musical experience because of the capacity of the population of this country to understand the Lebanese dialect and the similarity of their social relations. This will make the song Rahbanieh Shamia an excellence, different from the Egyptian, Iraqi, Maghreb and Gulf songs. Because Syria is the largest area and more stable than the Levant, it has become, since that beginning, the strategic depth of the song Rahbani Alf Rosy, Rahbani group trips to the Levant became semi-annual, and the shuttle. One of the most striking works of this position is the lyrical opposition between Fayrouz and Nasri Shams al-Din in Sketch, "Dabkeh of Lebanon", in which Fayrouz sings in one of the verses: "I love you with a sapphire ring in the heart and in the age, I miss you ". We stayed in Beirut in Meshar in the Levant.
In an interview with Syrian television, one of the Damascus Film International Film Festival, Filmon Wahbi told Mansour Rahbani: "You know, if you can go to Sham and I will not come with you." (He became a fraternity, a fool).
It is important to note the important role played by Near East radio, broadcast before 1956 in Jerusalem, in the Rahbani experiment, especially the opportunities created by Palestinian director Sabri Al-Sharif in front of the Rahbani brothers and the rest of Lebanese artists.
Looking at the repertoire performed by the Rahbani team with Fayrouz, it is possible to stop on one of the main features of the Rahbani brothers' experience: it is about present a different color from the dominant lyrical style, which was one of his long feature films. Being over an hour in some of the songs of Umm Kulthum, especially the songs of the special evenings, which constituted the fundamental return and uniqueness and the sultanate, while the complete and final song of "tired amorous speakers" of a poem of Abu Nawas, for example, a minute.
One of the most amusing stories about this experience is that the director of Damascus Radio at the time, Ahmed Essa, presented a song to Fairouz's voice to Chief Fakhri al-Baroudi, who did not like it. Later, Aseh told Baroudi: We have a new singer Shamia, I will hear you speak. And I heard a song for Fayrouz, I admire him and I told him: I see? So be the voices … He said to him: But it's the same, Fairuz!

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Source: The new Arabic

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