Miss Universe dies on the eve of her twentieth birthday.


The former Dutch beauty queen Lotte van derzie died of a heart attack while skiing after a family trip to Austria to celebrate her 20s.

Former Miss Universe death after a conflict with the disease

"Our essence was released from life on Wednesday, March 6th, at 10 and 47 minutes," said his family at the age of 20 on his Instagram official website. While we were preparing to celebrate his birthday.
His family added, "It is unthinkable that our beloved daughter is no longer with us, our heart is truly broken by what happened."

Miss Universe for Teenage Girls in 2016 remained in a coma for two weeks after a heart attack.
"Our pearls, all that we have, have disappeared from life, and they do not believe that my dear Lotte will not be with them anymore," said the parents of Loti van der Zei, taking the last picture of their daughter before the tragedy of his death. .

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In an interview with local media, the young parents reported that their daughter had gone out with her friends the night before the injury. The next day, Loti was slow to join his family at breakfast, when his parents lost him and found him sick. She was then transferred to a nearby hospital in Munich, Germany, to a specialized hospital where she worked for two weeks. His brain stopped working and the family agreed to remove the devices that kept his daughter alive.

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