News of the day in Syrian private life


News of the day The news of today in Syrian private life Source of news – the new Arabic with details on the news of Syrian private life:

Since the beginning of the revolutions in the Arab countries in early 2011, ordinary politicians and journalists, or even less, have been interested in addressing the Syrian problem and comparing it to other countries to give priority to the issue of structure of Syrian society, Events in Syria for most of its Arab counterparts. Some support this idea by recognizing the similarity, even the congruence, of the nature and structure of autocratic regimes in the Arab world. Most of them conclude that "vacations" reside mainly in Syrian society, with its various contradictions, disintegration and backwardness, so that the responsibility of the regime in place falls to a lesser extent. Some of them suggest, and even declare, that the result would only be themselves, regardless of the form of the political system, namely that fighting and war are the inevitable fate of the Syrians .

The writer is not here to defend the Syrian society and the role of his vertical divisions in the repercussions of the war, he does not claim that the nature of the Syrian regime is radically different from that of the rest of the Arab regimes, he In general, there are authoritarian regimes, whose structure is similar, corruption and corruption, intimidation and intimidation, a tool of continuity. But

"The privacy of Syria can never be explained solely by the structure of society" mined ""

It should be stressed that the specificity of Syria can never be explained by the mere structure of a "mined" society and can not be attributed to the authoritarian nature of the regime, but that the practices of the ruling class must be in decades and their effects on various aspects of society. It is only then that some parts of the table to understand Syrian private life can be supplemented. The Syrian regime, like other authoritarian Arab regimes, has not looked for to disrupt the political process in order to preserve its continuity and prevent any form of peaceful transfer of power. Or, more precisely, "embalming" the various aspects of political, social, economic, cultural, educational and other life. On the one hand, he did not just build a state of citizenship and destroy pre-national traditional structures in favor of the project of belonging to the homeland; By investing in these structures, and strengthening its divisions, to be one of the most important tools of continuity, fueling division and fragmentation and fear of the other, has contributed to the creation of minefields among the components of Syrian society, which can explode in any accident or short tour. As a result, the fear of the Syrian regime and the monotheism of the Syrians were twofold: a traditional fear that a regime would use to control the pace of its kingdom so as to preserve its gains and continuity, and the fear of it. another who, by the continuous control of the diet by his sons, / Contrast
On the other hand, the Syrian regime has not closed the public sphere to partisan political action or to trade union and civil activity, but to the confiscation of any form of freedom of speech and expression. Unlike most Arab regimes, traditional media (television,

"The regime has not allowed the creation of any tradition of working in the free media, which exercises its role of control over state institutions"

The monopoly of the radio on the government agencies or their accomplices thus did not allow the system to establish a tradition of free work in the media, to exercise its role of control over the institutions of the state and intermediary between them. institutions and society. In Syria, for example, the country that is closest to the armed forces and security and intelligence forces of the Syrian administration, the media have made reasonable gains in terms of freedom of expression, pluralism and diversity of expressionist means. . If these media advances in Algeria have not had a significant impact on the ruling alliance with the mafia (ie, say what you want and do what you want), at least that has created a professional journalistic tradition that can not be easily defeated and can play a role in Promoting Algerian society in the future.
In the same way, the Syrian regime closed the digital field and Syria was one of the last Arab countries to open the Internet to its citizens. This is similar to the blogs and social networks that were open to all Syrians as early as 2011, and needed to be taken advantage of and adapted to serve the agenda of the political system and the media. , and not a kind of openness and freedom of expression. That's why the Syrians found themselves at the beginning of the protests in front of the "ghost" called "Facebook", to the point of teasing the security elements of that time, to search the cars and ask a passenger: "Do you have Facebook in your bag? The use of the Internet has stabilized and the role played by bloggers and social media activists has increased, as has been the case

"Corruption has become an integral part of every aspect of life and its aspects until it reaches education and justice"

Tunisia, Egypt and others.
Even in the case of corruption, which drives authoritarian regimes in Syria, it was systematic and integral to all aspects of life and its aspects, as well as to the length of all the articulations of the state. and from its institutions to the most sensitive: education and the judicial system. This corruption has led to the accumulation of the country's wealth in the hands of a few dozen mafia trade allies allied with the Palestinian Authority, who have gradually eliminated the middle class of society and propagated a culture of social corruption that has become an integral part of the lives of all Syrian citizens.
Therefore, it is difficult to understand Syrian private life without linking it to the practices of the ruling class and its disruption of various aspects of life and its aspects. In March 2011, the first protesters rallied behind, with little or no support, from cohesive opposition parties, even trade unions and institutions. long-standing civil society or independent Syrian professional media.

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