Subscriptions to fixed telephony and decline of mobile telephony


The number of mobile subscriptions has increased by 2018, the number of fixed line subscribers reaching 6.61 million at the beginning of the year, reaching 7.87 million at the end of 2018. The number of mobile subscriptions decreased from 101.32 million subscribers in January 2018 to 93.78 million subscribers by the end of December of the same year.

According to a recent report from the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), the rise in the number of fixed-line subscribers, as well as the decline in the number of subscriptions to mobile telephony last year, not only in one month, but also in 2017. Subscriptions to fixed lines amounted to 6.61 million, against 6.38 million in January 2017.

In December 2018, the number of subscriptions to fixed lines increased to 7.87 million, against 6.60 million in December 2017. In terms of mobile telephony, subscriptions reached 93.78 million at the end of the year. end of December 2018, while they were 101.27 million in December 2017, of 7.4%.

According to the statistical report included in the brochure "Egypt in Figures 2019" published by the Statistical Authority in March, we publish the evolution of the number of subscriptions to telephony mobile and fixed lines in 2018 compared to 2017 ,,,

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