The parents of two victims of Michael Jackson "committed suicide"

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According to the newspaper "Mirror" In Britain, the parents of Wade Robinson and Jordi Chandler committed suicide after complaining that their children had been sexually assaulted by Jackson.

Wade said that his father, Dennis, had committed suicide in Australia in 2002 after suffering mental problemsDepressed Because of his constant reflections on the possibility of sexual assault on his son.

In the second case, the family Jordi Chandler said that Father Ivan had chosen to end his life after entering a state of hallucinations and psychological distress because he had received many threats from the part of Jackson fans.

In 1993, his Shander was the first to accuse Jackson Sexually abusedAnd the pop star then paid $ 23 million to the family, although not guilty.

The family adds that this amount did not solve the problem, because the father "The victim" He submitted to several beauties to avoid the fans of Jackson and, in 2009, put an end to his days, four months only after the departure of the pop star.

For his part, the Jackson family denies the charges and says that the two men who present themselves as victims in a movie "Neverland Outing" Just two opportunists.


According to the British newspaper "Mirror", the parents of Wade Robinson and Jordi Chandler would have committed suicide after complaining of the sexual assault on their children by Jackson.

Wade said that his father, Dennis, had committed suicide in Australia in 2002, after suffering mental and emotional problems, due to his relentless reflections on the possibility of sexual assault on his son.

In the second case, the family Jordi Chandler said that Father Ivan had chosen to end his life after entering a state of hallucinations and psychological distress because he had received many threats from the part of Jackson fans.

In 1993, his Shander was the first to accuse Jackson of sexual assault and the pop star paid $ 23 million to the family, even though he was not guilty.

The family added that this amount did not solve the problem, because the father of the "victim" was subjected to several beauties to avoid the fans of Jackson and, in 2009, had put an end to his days only four months after the departure of the pop star.

The Jackson family denies the accusations and claims that the men who portray themselves as victims in the movie "Out of Neverland" are just two opportunists.

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