News 24 King Fahd Causeway records two new records in transit


ExpressiveThe King Fahad King Fahd Bridge continued to register this year, with the highest number of passengers in both directions and the highest number of passengers crossing Bahrain into Saudi Arabia since it opened in 1986.

The General Director of the King Fahad Bridge Foundation said the bridge yesterday recorded the highest number of passengers in both directions with (119,291) passengers, a copy of the old number 117791 according to passport statistics.

He added that the bridge also recorded the highest number of passengers heading for Saudi Arabia (73087), copying the previous issue (72083) recorded last Saturday (March 2, 2019).

He noted that, despite the record number of results achieved by King Fahd Bridge, crossing rates on both sides have improved significantly by up to 90 minutes, thanks to the efforts of all departments.

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