The worst months and the worst diets .. Check your weight and your health together


But the world actually contains a considerable number of diets over the age of 50, some as bad as they seem, like the cookie and ice cream diet, but there are others that are n & # 39; They do not look as bad as they have a global and Arab reputation, only It has been rated as the worst diet in 2019, according to the "US News" (USNews) website, we offer four type:

Quito Regime
The Quito diet is one of the best fast weight loss diets, which has earned it a great reputation among those who want to lose a few extra pounds, but it has suffered a lot of damage that has made it a place among diets the most damaging to health.

The Quito system depends on the lack of carbohydrates, which causes a drop in blood sugar levels, forcing the body to burn the fats already present to provide the necessary energy to the body. Organism, which produces more than usual a chemical, ketones. The case of "ketosis" where the energy depends on the fat, then the weight loss.

Quito allows large amounts of fat to consume 75% of the daily intake. Carbohydrates are estimated at 5 to 7% and proteins at 20%. The diet avoids some fruits and vegetables, with the exception of strawberries and all berries.

But according to Healthline, this diet is not a long-term system. Most people who have lost weight by following him have found him when he stops. It also damages the muscles of the body that lose a lot. From its mass when losing weight in this way, the heart is also exposed to various damage as a muscle of the body's muscles.

Some dieticians are advised not to follow this diet only for people with certain diseases, such as the second type of diabetes or certain cancers, after doctors discovered that it reduced the size of certain cancerous tumors exposed to chemotherapy.

Atkins diet
The Atkins system is a bit similar to the Quito system in that it relies on a reduction in carbohydrate intake, but it significantly depends on protein and fat: 55 to 80% of total calories from this system comes from animal sources, while the proportion of carbohydrate not more than 5%, and these percentages according to the site "WebMD" are not recommended for individuals.

Despite the fast results of dieters in many ways, unlike many Quetos, many nutritionists associate protein intake with heart disease, kidney problems and osteoporosis, and with Specialists doubt that the increase in fat and animal protein may increase the incidence of colon cancer.

Dokan's diet is based on increased protein and fat reduction (Pixabee)

Dokan Diet
Is another extension of the Quito and Atkins systems, similar to Atkins at different stages with the carbohydrate intake of a direct source of "sound sound" in exchange for increased intake of animal protein, but it differs from the two diets in reducing fat intake, which deprives the body of its necessary share of fat and its beneficial cholesterol.

NutriLiving indicates that the rapid weight loss associated with not eating the proper nutrients needed by the body and the vitamins that are found in many forbidden vegetables and fruits causes serious problems in the muscles, heart and kidneys, as well as the formation of gallstones in the gall bladder.

In addition, according to the website of the British newspaper "The Guardian", Pierre Dokan was found guilty of the creator of this diet in the context of a lawsuit filed against him by a previous patient, damaged by a prescription that their was given without specifying the time taken to take the drug.

Carnivore diet depends solely on the consumption of fats and proteins (Pixabee)

Carnivorous diet
The carnivorous diet is the most extreme form of the Atkins diet: it is forbidden to consume foods other than animal proteins and fats and to ban carbohydrates in all their forms.

This increases the risk of serious diseases resulting from the consumption of animal products exclusively.As mentioned on the site "My Jin Food", this diet entails an increased risk of infection by different types of cancer and leads to a defect of liver and kidney functions and osteoporosis.

In addition, researcher Walter Long believes that diets do not depend on the consumption of vegetables and fruits, resulting in the onset of immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, colitis and arthritis rheumatoid.

Appropriate diet
Studies may differ from actual dietary risks, but the best diet for a normal person is a diet that can be followed for a long time without compromising health.

Chit Sheet is recommended for balanced diets such as the Mediterranean diet, a diet based on legumes, cereals, olive oil and vegetables, as well as moderate amounts of fish and less meat. The website also recommends a diet based on reducing the fat content and increasing the proportion of vegetables and whole grains.

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