Nawal Al-Zoghbi: I am a woman who does not break and can not repeat the experience of marriage


Nawal Al-Zoghbi said she was only growing five months a year, while saluting relations with Salem Al Hindi and the success of her new album, Kada Bay, as well as her attitude towards marriage. and the possibility of repeating the experiment.
Nawal Al-Zoghbi spoke about the secret of her youth and said: "I only have five months a year" and welcomed the agreement reached with Rotana's general manager Salem Al Hindi. "I love to occupy Salim Al Hindi and work with him at my ease, Is the only company that exists strongly and it is the comfort of an artist."
With regard to her absence and her family problems, she said: "The family problems are devastating and I have experienced a lot of difficulties and problems, but I have overcome them. strong that can be shaken but I can not break … The light can come back if we know how to ship it properly.The artist is long and every artist encounters "blows and falls" and can offer better songs than other songs, but the most important thing is to feel like he had just started.

"I can not remarry," she asked.

Inspired by the titles of her new album, Nawal Al Zoghbi explained that she was saying "Kada Bey" to all the negative people in her life and was hurting her, and that she was living a "tear" at all stages of her life, but that she was beginning to feel the age of thirty years the cruelty of the world Many things in her life, and you can use the eraser again to make sure she is really omitted . "
Nawal said that "El Barassi is his money" is identical to the album "Keda Bey" because it is a good album in every sense of the word and that there is an "atmosphere of heart "for many people, but not love in his life.
These views and positions expressed by Nawal Al-Zoghbi during the presentation of the program "House of All" with the artist and media Adel Karam.

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