Video: Sumaya Khashab insists on singing and singing and still imitating Elissa


Egyptian actress Soumaya El Khashab launched the first teaser on her YouTube channel, "YouTube," which challenges violence against women, after a few weeks of controversy over the fact that she owns exceptional singing skills as a result of her controversial performance at a special ceremony in Iraq. Sumaya has for the second time sought to imitate the Lebanese singer Elissa by citing the events of the clip of her famous song "O Maraytani".

The film "Btstqwa" by Samia Al-Khashab contains dramatic dramas about violence against women. It was shot in several fictional and violent clips in the short video of the song, directed by Jamil Al-Maghazi and composed by Hisham Sadiq and composed by Sumaya Al-Khashab and distributed by Mohammed Abbas.

Somaya began her career as a singer and became an actress. She released her first solo album in 2009, "He Hashal Eh", and had an acceptable success. She has also performed several Gulf songs and her success with "My Heart". And the fans commented that her singing was full of songs and that she had forgotten the lyrics of the song more than once, and had asked her to refrain from giving concerts and to dedicate solely to her role as an actress.

Al-Khashab had previously received direct accusations against Elissa's tradition and she responded with some confidence that her song "My Heart and My People" was similar to the song of Lebanese singer Elissa "Ahla Donia". "Elissa sees and hears hundreds of millions of viewers, This metaphor adds and does not harm me.

Promo is the song "Batstqwa" by Tasimia Al Khashab

The song of Elissa "Ya Mrayeti"

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