More than 20 million Americans have been infected with the flu since October, according to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC).
The best way to avoid the flu is to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, using soap and clean, lukewarm or cold water, and making sure to wash the hands thoroughly. fingertips and the bottom of the nails, not just the palm of the hand and the forehead of the hand, then rinse and dry the hand. Well
"Only 20 seconds of washing your hands, regular and frequent, especially during colds and flus, can prevent you from getting infected," she said. "If you do not always have clean water, you can use a hand sanitizer or a disinfectant that contains alcohol to cleanse.
Although this method seems easy and simple for everyone, a 2013 study by the Journal of Environmental Health found that only 5% of people wash their hands properly and long enough to kill germs. These results were achieved after following more than 3,700 people wash their hands Public bathtubs.
Several studies have reported that thousands of bacteria live in the hands, including E. coli or coliforms, which indicates that they are transmitted to humans by touching objects around them, such as door handles or handrails, then putting your hands on your eyes or mouth before washing them. By the handshake and hug too.
In addition to causing the flu virus infection in these germs, it can also cause colds, lung infections, diarrhea, meningitis, hepatitis and more.
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