The world celebrates the 30th anniversary of the invention of the web


That day in 1989, English software engineer Tim Berners-Lee presented his idea of ​​a system for linking information to several incompatible computers, which led to what is now called the World Wide Web.

The idea was born in the physics laboratory of CERN, Switzerland, because of the inefficiency of the work and the management of the information disseminated in several places and several computers. It was frustrating to find different information on different computers and to have access to all the computers to get them.

What began as a system of management, unification and facilitation of information is now the basis of our practical life: you can work on the Web, spend time, obtain information, diplomas academics and much more. Who are able to connect to the Web pages of web hosting.

And then? This question is always asked to the inventor of the Web, who hopes that technology serves the public good, less likely to spread hate speech and abuse and turn the Web into a positive contract to influence the world.

Berners-Lee defines a roadmap to accessing the Web we want through appropriate legislation, regime change and research.

How does the web change your life?

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