"Google" has removed 2.3 billion ads and blocked by 1.5 million apps and 28 million


Google has removed 2.3 billion ads and has blocked them with 1.5 million apps and 28 million websites.

Deleted Ads (JuanPros / GetPhoto)

San Francisco the new arabic

March 14

Google announced that in 2018, it had removed 2.3 billion ads breaking its rules, which mostly banned ads misleading or exploiting vulnerable people. In a statement, she said she supported both manual exams and automated learning.

The company announced the monitoring and closure of websites that violate the rules and prevent the use of its advertising network through profits, and it has removed advertisements from 1.5 million applications and about 28 million pages.

The company will introduce a new ad rules manager in April to provide publishers with tips to avoid including incompatible ads.

The advertising machine generates billions of dollars, more than $ 32 billion in the previous quarter, accounting for 83% of all Google revenue. These revenues support a variety of free and popular services such as Gmail, YouTube and Android, in addition to the search engine of course.

TechCrunch points out, however, that bad ads go beyond algorithms and mislead or exploit vulnerable people and sites that exploit the Google advertising network by using it to fund the dissemination of misleading information and other errors that have elicited many critics.

The number of ads removed by the company decreased by about a billion compared to last year, which was justified by the removal of unsecured accounts rather than by individual advertising problems. so that only one person can be responsible for several erroneous advertisements.

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