Herpes viruses are inactive while traveling in space


The virus threatens the security of missions on Mars

The virus threatens the security of missions on Mars

A new study shows that herpes viruses are active in more than half of the crew members aboard the space shuttle and the International Space Station.

The rate of reactivation of the virus increases with the duration of the trip, which can pose a serious risk to the health of Mars missions.

According to research published in the frontiersin borders, an increase in the secretion of stress hormones such as "cortisol" and "adrenaline" during spaceflight, called the inhibition of the immune system, causes, as a result, immune cells of astronauts, especially those that suppress viruses and suppress them, Become less effective until 60 days after the trip.

He said d. Satish Mehta, senior researcher at the Johnson Space Center, said that four of eight human herpes viruses had been discovered, including herpes, genital herpes (HSV), chickenpox and shingles (VZV) that last a lifetime. In neurons, as well as "CMV" and "EBV", which reside permanently but not vital in immune cells, are associated with the formation of different strains of white blood cells or "kissing disease".

The development of reactive anti-viral measures is essential to the success of the far space missions behind the Moon and Mars and is the ideal procedure for vaccinating astronauts.

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