Watercress can be known to all as a friend of sandwiches without knowing the most important nutrients, including the prevention of breast cancer, the availability of a large amount of vitamin C to repair brain tissue, enhance immunity, reduce blood pressure, improve thyroid function and iron deficiency.
The nutritional value of watercress
The vitamin C content of watercress is greater than that of orange, containing more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, and containing more folic acid than beans, according to reports from naturalfoodseries. B12, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, all essential components of body health.
Amazing benefits of watercress for health
– Prevents breast cancer
The watercress contains protective phytonutrients highly active against cancer, which confirmed the study of the anticancer power of watercress, very useful when it is added to the diet as a protective factor of lung cancer and breast, as well as stomach cancer.
– Promotes the health of the immune system
Due to its high content of vitamin C, watercress protects the body from diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. The abundance of vitamins results in the release of antioxidants, which help eliminate Free radicals and any symptoms of inflammation of the body, thus improving the immune system.
– improves thyroid function
The watercress can reduce the production of thyroid hormones when it is taken in its raw form.If the production of thyroid hormones is uncontrolled, it will probably suffer from diseases such as hypothyroidism or the Hyperthyroidism, accompanied by symptoms such as depression, constipation and weight gain.
– prevents iron deficiency (anemia)
Watercress is a rich source of iron, necessary to provide hemoglobin to the body, certainly increases the hemoglobin of red blood cells, which is very helpful for people who have iron deficiency or who have lost too much blood (following an injury during pregnancy or menstruation).
– Increases weight loss
Watercress contains a low calorie content (about 18 calories per meal), which makes it useful for people who lose weight. It also contains dietary fiber and amino acids, which allow you to feel full for long periods.
– Maintains bone health
Watercress provides a good amount of vitamin K, associated with an increased risk of bone breakage, which improves the health of your bones by altering bone matrix proteins, stimulating calcium absorption and reducing urinary secretion. .
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