"The temptation of boys" is an Israeli-Iranian policy making Qatar a victim


After deceiving Doha on the pretext of making it a strong and pivotal state in the Middle East, the Center for Studies and Research revealed, in a new analytical study, how the tyrannical colonial powers of the Arab region exploited the madness of the Qatari system.

The analytical report indicated that the Israeli occupation and the mullahs' regime in Iran, using the emirate of terrorism, were pushing their expansionist and occupation plans through the "seductive" approach of boys "to the illusions of power and greatness, to control their minds and to ensure their loyalty and obedience.

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He added that Iran and the Israeli occupation were acting like puppets to turn members of the Hamdeen system into slaves and boys who dared not disobey the orders of their husbands and then involve them in swamps and land difficult to leave or abandon. And became the most important part of the demon forces' plots and the most active Arab instrument in implementing the agendas of these colonial powers.

Israeli Zionism and the Iranian mullahs' government succeeded in deceiving the Hamdeen organization by making Qatar a pivotal state and a major player in the Middle East as it separated from the Arab states and moved away from it. any alliance or Arab consensus.

The analytical report explained that Iran and Israel had made Qatar the main engine of these expansionist projects in the Arab world, before forming a network of extremist and terrorist groups under the sovereignty of Qatar to carry out the war. Occupying and repairing them with the help of the Qatari tool allowing them to achieve the most ambitious goals that are. Perform the required activities without revealing their relationships with the enemies of the Arab and Islamic nation, Israel and Iran.

The study revealed that Qatar was not the first attempt of the hate forces, but that they had tried several times to adopt this scheme in a number of Arab countries, but failed miserably and that he had struck down attempts at rejection and public and public awareness.

"In some countries, this has been counterproductive, in which the plans of Iran and Israel against the Arabs have been revealed and the cooperation of both parties, which shows the hostility of the Image and real cooperation, has been made public, "she said.

But attempts have been successful in Qatar and the owners of the expansion plan have dominated the minds of Hamad bin Khalifa and Hamad bin Jassim and implicated them in a big and dangerous game after having deceived them into making State of Qatar the superpower of the region.

Al-Mazma stressed that the results of the events and the nature of relations between Tehran and Tel Aviv all confirm the cooperation between the two parties with the aim of transforming the Hamdeen system in Qatar into a tool for achieving Iran's ambitions and objectives. In the region.

He stressed that the objectives of the Iranian regime and the Israeli occupation through the Qatari instrument were to push Qatar to block any joint attempt or decision of the GCC against the projects and projects of the 39, Iran and Israel in the region and turn it into a veto for any decision of the Council. The cooperation or the Arab League aims to strengthen Arab national security.

Among the malicious targets sought by al-Hamdeen, Qatar has become an espionage center and has made Doha an operating room dedicated to the security and stability of the Arab countries, while using the symbols of the Qatari regime as spies during closed meetings of the GCC and the League of Arab States.

The analytical report added that the diversion of what was happening during these meetings in Iran and Israel via Qatar had prompted the Arab countries, particularly the Gulf countries, to expel Qatar from these important meetings so as not to let the discussions escape and disrupt decisions based on the interests of Tehran and Tel Aviv. Representation of the countries at the last meetings.

The center revealed the secret of Qatar's close relations with Israel and Iran, stressing that they needed all the funds to finance expansion projects, which figured in the budget of the country. The huge country system, which had been created on the goals of Israeli-Iranian cooperation, was one of the main reasons for the coordination between Iran and Israel and their cooperation. In addition to the need for an Arab entity to carry out economic and commercial projects in the Arab world.

The Center also pointed out that Qatar is currently seeking to further widen the hidden communication bridges between Iran and Israel, in order to harm the Arab countries and maintain the security and political support of Iran and Iran. # 39; Israel.

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