Stress affects the health of your teeth


Events of the day – The Russian report "APRI", which dealt with the negative effects of stress, which weakens the immune system and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, digestive tract and other diseases.

The site indicated in its report that the grinding of teeth resulting from friction was highly damaging to the teeth, often because of psychological pressure. The pressure exerted on the teeth also erases or breaks the enamel of the teeth. In addition, grinding your teeth during sleep is detrimental to sleep quality.

In this case, dentists recommend to people with similar problems to use a special rubber coating that will prevent dental damage. Although this method is not ideal, it helps to keep a beautiful smile.

The site has indicated that gastroesophageal reflux is due to diaphragmatic hernia or neurological disorders, including stress. In fact, gastro-oesophageal reflux has become widespread in recent years and is therefore directly related to stress.

It should be noted that scientists have not yet been able to prove the nature of the relationship between stress and gastroesophageal reflux. Stress often results in the release of large amounts of gastric juices. The stomach acid can ascend through the esophagus or in the opposite direction, causing a sensation of stomach upset and lesions of the esophagus, and can reach the oral cavity.

The acidity of the mouth appearing during sleep or while lying down is very dangerous and weakens the enamel of the teeth, which covers the outer part of the teeth and constitutes a protective shield against any external factors that may affect. The acidity of the mouth can result in a foul odor in the mouth and severe burns. Overall, weak enamel exposes the nerves of teeth to danger, weakening teeth.

The vulnerability of the immune system has a significant impact on public health, including oral health, the website said. Because the human body is very well connected, an infection while the immune system is healthy can not have serious consequences for health, while the opposite is true if a person is immune. In many cases, stress causes bleeding gums.

Gingivitis due to stress is controversial, dental gear being the main cause of gingivitis. But toothpaste, which causes damage to teeth and gums, is often caused by stress. Gingival bleeding usually changes the color of the tooth enamel, which affects the appearance of the smile.

Stress causes muscle tension, including jaw muscles. Muscle tension can lead to headaches and slight numbness of the shoulders, which requires verification by a dentist. Stress affects many aspects of life, increasing the risk of chronic diseases, causing insomnia and increasing the desire to eat sweets, which causes tooth decay.

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