What is alpha lipoic acid? What are the health benefits?


Alpha Lipoic Acid is an organic compound found in all human cells. It has been the focus of particular attention in recent years, especially for its antioxidant properties.

The body produces this naturally occurring acid, but is also found in a variety of foods as well as as a dietary supplement. Scientific research suggests that it could play a role in weight loss, the treatment of diabetes and other health effects.

The acid is composed of water and soluble fats, while most other antioxidants are made from water or soluble fats.

The antioxidant properties of this acid have been associated with benefits such as lowering blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, slowing the appearance of wrinkles on the skin and improving function nervous.

Man produces alpha-lipoic acid in small amounts, which is why some people have opted for specific foods or supplements.

Products of animal origin such as red meat are a major source of alpha lipoic acid and are also present in some vegetables, including broccoli, tomatoes and cabbage.

The acid contributes to weight loss, also reduces insulin resistance, improves glycemic control and mitigates the effects of any damage to the nerves.

The acid also helps slow down any memory loss, improves nerve function, reduces inflammation and helps reduce the risk of heart disease, the website said.

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