Study: Smoking and its relationship with color blindness


Day after day we prove the medical seriousness of smoking and its direct link with various diseases and caused by a number of health problems. This is a new study that confirms it and adds new damage to tobacco caused by color blindness.

Smoking and its relationship with color blindness:

A study by Rutgers University of America found that smoking deprives the owner of any color discrimination and results in excessive blindness.

The magazine "Psychiatry Research"University researchers tested 10,000 smokers aged 25 to 45 and discovered that smokers of a pack of cigarettes a day had lost the ability to distinguish red, green, blue and yellow and did not did not specify the brightness.

Principal investigator Stephen Silverstein attributed the negative effect of smoke to the thinning of the brain layers responsible for the treatment of the image.

"Smoking and nicotine damage the blood vessels and nerve cells of the retina, and cause yellowing and inflammation of the lens," says Stephen. "The risk of retinopathy is increased by chronic macular degeneration, leading to blindness at a later stage."

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