After canceling their first marriage .. Mohammad Rashad and Mai Helmi organize another wedding


After canceling their first marriage .. Mohammad Rashad and Mai Helmi organize another wedding

Source: Adam Kholy – launching news

Egyptian singer Mohamed Rashad and press reporter Mai Helmi decided to hold a new wedding Saturday in a Cairo hotel, after the cancellation of their marriage a few hours ago.

Erm News and Rushad and Mei continued to get more details about the wedding and their surprise decision to organize the day, but they refused to give new information.

Rashad and Mei are reluctant to reveal the venue of the concert so as not to bring unwanted people in their presence and avoid any unexpected crisis.

The couple agreed that the wedding ceremony would be limited to the presence of their families and close associates and that no celebrities or star art would be invited.

The young singer married Mai Helmi a month ago, especially the last week of February.

Rashad and Mai's desire not to reveal details about the marriage, apparently in response to the harsh lesson they received after the cancellation of their first marriage, and to talk about their exposure to " "envy", in the state of love that dominated them and clearly appeared on their personal pages.

The cancellation of the marriage between Mai Helmi and Mohammad Rashad caught the attention of website activists and many rumors ran about the reasons for the cancellation of the ceremony. Rumors about the husband's family's refusal to sign the list of wedding anniversaries and the like.

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