There are three diseases that doctors neglect to diagnose in women, including only one problem related to the lining of the uterus and classified in gynecology, while the other two problems belong to another classification. The shortage of female doctors is one of the factors behind the diagnosis, the other being due to the small number of women who use them for medical experiments and research.
The three diseases that doctors are slow to diagnose in women are: external endometrial tissue growth, coronary artery disease, and hyperactivity disorder.
Medical reports indicate that two-thirds of women with symptoms of endometrial growth on the outside experience these symptoms in adolescence, but the diagnosis is delayed by about 10 to 12 years, because of the similarity of symptoms with other problems, and these symptoms increase bleeding and painful menstrual cycle.
Heart disease indicates that women are slow to seek medical attention when symptoms occur, such as neck pain, chest pain and fatigue. Doctors also make a mistake in diagnosing the first symptoms of heart disease in women, because they differ from the symptoms common to men!
While medical reports are responsible for delaying the diagnosis of ADHD in girls because the family and doctor neglect the girl's symptoms and ease of monitoring symptoms in boys.
The delay in the diagnosis of hyperactivity is not limited to girls, it is difficult to diagnose the disease in adults. According to medical reports in the United States, only 20% of adults' hyperactivity is medically diagnosed for ignoring symptoms.
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