Rocky reefs on average


Rocky reefs on average

Its length is about 2.5 kilometers (University Bari Aldo Moro)
Rocky reefs on average

The new Arab Rome

March 24

For the first time, scientists have identified a special type of rocky coral reef in the Mediterranean, specifically off the Italian coast. These reefs were found near the Italian town of Monopoli, about 2.5 km long.

Scientists from the University of Bari, Aldo Moro, published their findings in the renowned scientific journal Science Reports. The importance of this discovery is not only that rocky reefs are almost rare in the Mediterranean, but also at their depths of 30 to 55 meters below the surface of the water. Most coral reefs are usually found in food-poor waters in India, in the West Atlantic and in the Pacific Ocean. For example, the largest coral reef in the world, the so-called "Great Barrier Reef" located in eastern Australia, extends over 2,000 km.

The discovery is confusing
Scientists have been intrigued by the fact that rocky reefs do not grow in shallow tropical seas such as the Mediterranean Sea. "What we have found are solid rocky reefs, even in deep waters," says Claudio Richter, professor of marine biology at the Alfred Wenger Institute. They live at a depth of 30 meters, are dimly lit, can live up to 130 meters and catch light beams to process the photosynthesis necessary for their growth. However, the research team confirmed that the open reefs had developed very slowly in the depths of the Mediterranean, off the Italian city.

Claudio Richter pointed out that the reefs are located in an area where the light reaches the sun in a very light and very weak way. What makes the Kittima's color and pale rather than be brilliant because it usually goes from orange to red, but the colors of the coral discovered are not, according to the website "Spiegel Online". "The coral reefs of the Mediterranean are of a special type, with more than 33 species, all of which are not barriers," he said, "and until that point. a connected barrier is formed, the reefs must be rocky ".

Damage caused by climate change
According to the study, coral reefs are one of the most important rock formations in the seas and oceans, representing about 0.1% of the seabed and also providing shelter and habitat for at least one quarter of the sea creatures. "These reefs are badly affected by climate change and pollution of oceans and oceans," she said. "This is clearly demonstrated in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, as some areas lose color and become pale.

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