Health Tips Important Tips About Tuberculosis And Its Causes


9 million infected with the disease each year

Ministry of Health, need to prosecute TB patients until the end of the recovery process.

The ministry, through its official report on the social networking site "Twitter", says that tuberculosis (or diseases) known to man since the dawn of time affects about nine million people a year in the world. world, while half dies if not treated for five years.

Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or bacillus. Pulmonary tuberculosis affects the lungs at 80% and other parts of the body, including the bones, digestive system, polyps, and lymph nodes.

Causes of TB infection include trembling of the infected person when coughing, sneezing or talking, use of contaminated instruments, or consumption of unsweetened or unpasteurized milk, including fever symptoms , night sweats, fatigue and weight loss, accompanied by loss of appetite, as well as shortness of breath.

The Ministry of Health noted that the symptoms of tuberculosis included general symptoms, such as coughing and phlegm with blood, while "out of the lung" symptoms corresponded to symptoms of the affected limb, including swelling and lymphatic glands. . Six to nine months without interruption until complete healing.

The Ministry of Health has warned, through its website, about tuberculosis, noting at the same time that the virus was going through a handshake, sharing food and drink, kissing or l '. use of toilets and noted that people most vulnerable to tuberculosis were HIV-positive, AIDS patients, diabetics, some cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients and immunosuppressive drugs.

They are also exposed to tuberculosis, take drugs to treat rheumatism and psoriasis, and travel to or visit areas frequently affected by tuberculosis, including in South Africa, India, China, Mexico and other parts of the world. some countries If you are infected, be sure to wear a muzzle and wash your hands frequently when touching the victim's belongings.

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