Fruits contain many important nutrients for the human body. Therefore, it is recommended that all nutritionists take care to protect your skin and your health from diseases and the appearance of signs of aging and fine lines. What we will learn from his answer is through this report, according to the site "hsph.harvard".
The report had many benefits for the human body when he was used to eating fruit every day, including:
– Because it contains a high proportion of fiber, it makes foods that increase the feeling of satiety for a long time, which is a fundamental reason for getting rid of excess weight.
– This significantly boosts the immune system because it contains a high percentage of antioxidants and vitamin "C".
– Preserve the fruits on heart health and reduce the incidence of various diseases because of its important elements.
– It regulates blood pressure because of the potassium component that is responsible for it.
– Maintain the strengthening of blood health and reduce the body's exposure to anemia because it is rich in iron.
– Some contain vitamin C, which makes them essential for the health of skin and leather, and therefore reduces the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging.
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