Benefits of drinking the ring with milk for health, mothers and pregnant women in particular


In addition, the circuit has many health benefits because milk in milk helps to reduce blood sugar. Studies have shown that eating circuit seeds with meals in an amount equivalent to 5:50 grams once or twice daily reduces blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes but taking less than 2 , 5 grams does not cause side effects, because the results of treatment of people with type I diabetes about 50 grams of cycle cycle twice a day the rate of decrease Sugar in the urine.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Minnesota explained that the ring was a plant commonly used to stimulate milk secretion in women, and generally the rate of milk production within three days of feeding , which can be consumed in a maximum of 3,500 grams. Today, they must stop taking it when they reach the desired excretion rate.

Research shows that the circuit has the ability to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the presence of saponins and dietary fiber, where it is thought that saponins act to prevent the absorption cholesterol.

It also helps in the treatment of diarrhea and constipation because it contains a high level of fiber, as well as in the treatment of indigestion.

Source: Egyptian Stars

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