Syrian artist dies during death scene

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Web sites explained that Jadwa Was exposed to a health crisis, when shooting the first scenes, who were talking about death, and the staff tried to help but died soon after.

The Lebanese artist Youssef Haddad described the last moments of the show, telling his own account on the site "Facebook:" A minute of silence .. For the actor Fawaz Al-Jaddou & # 39 which has turned this moment into moments of conflict with life and a pain that will not end with its tragic sudden death before our eyes and in our hands. "

Haddad added, "How we tried to resurrect you, but your heart refused to come back and went to a place you consider sacred, it ended your trip after a minute of technical silence and ended the long journey You were the art of love in the eternal between our stupidity and silence than whining … A pity for your soul.

Fawaz Jadoua was born in Medina Tenderness In 1956, and began his artistic career through a play "Pony", Then presented many other theatrical performances, in addition to his participation in a number of dramas, including "Brothers of the Earth" and "Khan Silk ", As well as a presence in 5 movies.

The series "One minute of silence" Who did not have the chance to finish his portrait for his next Ramadan Abed Fahd AndKaris Bashar Stéphanie Saliba and Khalid Al-QayshSyrian representatives And other Lebanese, made by Tunisian director Shawki El Magri.


The websites showed that Gedoa had suffered a health crisis during the shooting of the first scenes, which spoke of death, and the staff tried to help but died soon after.

He described the Lebanese artist Youssef Haddad as the last moments of seriousness, declaring in his Facebook account: "Minute of silence". Representative Fawaz Aljdoua … Who turned this moment into moments of conflict with life and pain will not end with a tragic sudden death before our eyes and our hands.

Haddad added, "How we tried to resurrect you but your heart refused to come in and went to a place considered sacred, it concluded your trip after a minute of technical silence and ended the long journey. the art of love in the eternal, between our astonishment and the silence we mourn. "A mercy" He said.

Fawaz Jadoua was born in the city of Raqqa in 1956. He began his artistic career with the play "The Muhr" and then performed many other plays. He has also participated in many dramatic works, including "Brothers of the Soil" and "Khan of Silk". In addition to the presence in 5 films.

The "Minute of Silence" series, which did not have the chance to complete the filming of the upcoming Ramadan, also featured star performers Abid Fahd and Karis Bashar, Stephanie Saliba and Khaled Al-Kish, as well as To other Syrian and Lebanese representatives, led by Tunisian director Shawki Majri.

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