Simple measures to prevent 3 serious diseases


Ammon – Our lifestyles affect our health. According to the British Health Authority, 40% of deaths are due to daily habits and behaviors.
According to Mirror Online, here are some simple and effective measures to prevent common serious diseases:
heart disease
1 – standing and walking
The risk of heart disease increases by 14% every hour spent in a sitting position. So avoid sitting longer and moving around as much as you can in the workplace.
2- Review the dentist
Neglecting dental health can be a factor in heart disease, so you should consult your dentist regularly and get rid of all the health problems associated with your teeth.
Eat an apple a day
Researchers at Oxford University found that eating a single fruit a day reduced the risk of heart attack or stroke.
4. eat nuts
A study of more than 200,000 people found that people who ate nutritious nuts twice a week were 23% less likely to develop heart disease.
1 – herbal tea
Studies indicate that caffeine in tea and coffee can prevent the egg from ripening properly, which affects the chances of pregnancy.
2 – Avoid painkillers
Some painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can affect pregnancy if they are synchronized with ovulation.
3. Avoid wearing tight underwear
Narrow clothing around the testicles can increase their temperature, which affects sperm quality.
4. Avoid kissing your laptop
The heat of a laptop can affect the sperm production in humans.
5 – eat oysters
Oysters are an important source of zinc that increases levels of testosterone, a very important hormone for sperm production.
Weight control
Excess weight is linked to at least 12 cancers.
2 – Eating vegetables
A diet rich in vegetables, fruits and legumes is associated with a reduced risk of cancer of the intestine because it contains fiber.
3. movement
Approximately 3,400 cancer cases a year are linked to low mobility due to the low levels of hormones that help fight cancer cells in the breast and the uterus.

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