The health
Scientists from the University of Emmanuel, Russian Federation (Federal University of the Baltic States), have proposed injecting white blood cells into the blood of a donor after special treatment in the body of the patient.
According to university scientists, this method boosts the immune system of a person with cancer because his body weakens and its resistance to the growth of cancerous tumors is low, slow and inefficient.
The blood of the donor, who is the subject of a particular treatment, contains natural and acquired immune components. An injection into the patient's body will increase its resistance to the disease by increasing the number of components that destroy the cancer cells.
According to scientist Victor Szilidsov of the Center for Biomedical Biotechnology of the University, treating white blood cells in a special way, they acquire antitumor properties and destroy cancer cells.
"We had very promising results in the treatment of melanoma, tumors of the kidneys, lungs, breast and even the central nervous system," he said.
Source: Novosti
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