News 24 A girl questions her legitimate position after her mother's request not to buy a car.


Photo Sheikh Abdullah Al-Manea asked the girls to respond to their mothers' requests, even in normal cases, such as not buying a car for fear of hearing and obedience.

Al-Mania answered the question of a girl during an episode of the broadcast "Istvtunk" on the channel "message", about his position to hear the request for his mother not to buy a car, saying: "The girl must answer the mother as I asked her".

Al-Manea said the mother had done this act out of pity and fear for her. The girl had to respond to his mother's request with feelings of satisfaction and tell him to listen to him and obey him, pointing out that the girl's desire to meet his mother with the intention of 39, hear and obey him would be very beneficial.

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