Famous female film star is exposed to health problem


Nearly a month and six days after the imprisonment of the MV film artist in the context of his imprisonment in the media business, known as scandal sex videos she turned her life into a nightmare in which she would live and wake up shortly thereafter, until she became ill and became prey to the disease.

A source familiar with the scenes of the days that have passed on the artist, explaining that during this period she was exposed to a health crisis in her prison where, since the deportation of the prisoner mentioned in the prison on February 11, 2019, a crisis of hysterical crying occurred when handing over various personal belongings, including personal papers and cell phones. Deposit them in the secretaries of the prison, photocopy them, act as a document of knowledge and record all their data.

The prison administration handed him clothes and went into amber. She sat down on her bed and started crying again. The prisoners tried to calm her without profit. She abstained from eating in the prison, at dawn, and refused to go out during her time. Severe, followed by the signing of the medical examination, and writes a set of medications and tonics to restore health.

Her family asked her to offer her a psychiatrist, who treated her soothingly, tried to get her out of mental state, persuaded her to refuse to eat and started to to improve, but she cried several times. She refused to visit one of her friends and was confined to her lawyer.

The details of the incident came back when the literature department arrested the artist for filming it in sexual videos accompanied by a famous director, arrested at the artist's home. in the Madinah Nasr City Police Department, arrested and arrested and sentenced to 15 days in jail. Investigations conducted in the case until the completion of the investigations and reflect the renewal on the scheduled date.

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