Al-Marsad Journal: Russian cardiologist and cardiovascular surgeon Vladimir Khrushchev has given a series of advice to people infected with the “Corona” virus to avoid exposure to heart problems that can be a direct cause of death from the blood clots.
According to “Sputnik”, he explained that blood clots can be avoided by following these tips: –
During the activity of the leg muscles, the pumping function of the connected veins is improved. These vessels are very small and short – no more than a centimeter – through which blood flows from the superficial veins to the deep veins. Thus, the return to the right atrium improves, which is important for improving health and reducing the risk of developing blood clots.
No sweet soda, no coffee
It is necessary not to drink sugary carbonated drinks in hot weather as this increases the viscosity of the blood and slows down blood flow, which leads to increased clot formation. Coffee also thickens the blood, so it should be avoided.
He advised drinking bottled water without gas and drinking fruits and berries. Apple drinks, soaks, and compotes improve blood flow. And the best thing in this case is the cranberry. All these fruits and fruits well increase the fluidity of blood and significantly reduce its viscosity. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, that is, it reduces inflammation and, as a result, edema of the inner wall of arteries and blood vessels, which again reduces the risk of blood clots.
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