A consultant reveals the importance of obesity surgery
The State has been keen to launch campaigns calling for the elimination of obesity and access to healthy health through Surgery of obesity What some may have to resort to.
For his part, he noted Dr. Ahmed Al-Subki A consultant on obesity, sugar surgery and beauty, said in a press release that the speech on obesity surgery was widely spread in the light of rising rates of obesity in Egypt, which affect the public health of the person.
He explained that these surgeries vary from patient to patient depending on his condition, from which he aims to Reduce the size of the patient's stomach because of obesity or reduce the feeling of hunger and thus help get rid of this disease.
"He continued Surgery of obesity, That these garages cause a change in the absorption of the digestive system of food intake, which helps the patient to lose weight, also helps in the treatment of chronic diseases caused by obesity.
Dr. Yasser Abdel Rahim: These are the causes of obesity
revealed Ahmed Al-SabkiAbout 5 treated diseases Surgery of obesity After his conduct, namely:
– Diabetes.
– High cholesterol level.
– Hypertension.
Sleep Apnea
– high level of lipids in the blood, bone diseases.
For his part, Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki, an obese diabetologist, said that the gastric toning process should be done because treating diabetes is not just weight loss, but also a gastrointestinal hormone and insulin resistance.
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