A delegation of "Democratic Syria" in Damascus … the future of self-management zones on the table


A delegation from the "Democratic Syria" Council is visiting for the first time the Damascus-backed Democratic Front, to discuss the future of the autonomous areas, a council official said Friday. AFP. "A delegation of the Syrian Democratic Council is visiting Damascus at the request of the Syrian government for a first official visit," Syrian Democratic Council President Riad Darrar told AFP, adding that "we are working on a solution in northern Syria ".

"We have no preconditions for negotiations and we hope that discussions will be positive to discuss the situation in the north of Syria in its entirety."

The delegation includes political and military leaders led by Alham Ahmed, the co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council.

This is the first visit of Kurdish and Arab leaders of the autonomous areas to Damascus after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad announced that after his forces took control of vast areas of the country, Syrian democratic forces were "the only remaining problem".

and spoke of two options for dealing with it: "The first is that we are now beginning to open the door to negotiations." "If this does not happen, we will resort to the liberation of these regions by force … with the presence or the absence of Americans".

As a result, the Kurds declared their willingness to engage in "unconditional negotiations" with the regime.

The Syrian democratic forces, whose Kurdish backbone is supported by the United States, control 28% of the country, making it the second dominant force on the ground after the Syrian army.

These forces have proved effective in the struggle against the organization of the Islamic State in recent years and are currently fighting their last battles against it in the last encampment in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour.

The Kurdish influence in Syria increased with the gradual withdrawal of the regime's forces from their control areas in 2012, to then declare self-government then the federal system about two years ago years in Ruja Afa (West Kurdistan). And did not invite Kurdish self-government to participate in international negotiations or negotiations on the future of Syria.

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