Researchers have developed a device to grow small cartilage around the nerves of the spine, which could help thousands of patients relieve persistent abdominal pain associated with chronic pancreatitis. The device the size of a match is tested on 30 patients by the British National Health Administration and can reduce the use of drugs to relieve severe pain, such as morphine.
Neurologists from Western University, Canada, who have
Lightening device
Agricultural experience In patients with chronic abdominal and pelvic pain, the new technology reduces the amount of morphine required by all patients. After studying more than 5,000 patients with chronic back and leg pain, scientists at the American University of Jefferson discovered that 93% of them had reduced the dose of morphine needed to grow the spine.
"It's a pacemaker and the device can treat any nerve-related pain ranging from lower breasts to the pelvic area," says Dr. Janisan Paranidharan, a pain medicine consultant. at the Leeds Teaching Hospital, which runs the campaign.
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