A football fanatic encourages River Plate to enjoy the innocence of the child


A football fanatic encourages River Plate to enjoy the innocence of the child



A football fanatic encourages River Plate to enjoy the innocence of the child

The pioneers of social networking sites are promoting River Plate as they try to make history irresponsible for the stadium, before their team and Boca Juniors return to the final of the Libertadores Cup.

Argentinean supporters appear in the video while they try to hide the story, the dangerous fireworks in the body and under the clothes of an innocent child who would be his daughter.

After the broadcast of the video, the fanatic was faced with a thunder of criticism from the public, whom they described as irresponsible and exploitative, because she had blocked a girl innocent in his forbidden project, which would have hurt him if the games had exploded in his body.

It is worth noting that Argentina's plan to bring these fireworks into the stadium did not work, as River Plate and Boca Juniors, which were scheduled for Saturday, were postponed to another notification due to the Boca bus attack with stones and sticks by fans of the local team en route to the stadium, which caused the injury of several players.

Source: Social Network Sites

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