A great love story that brings together Maya Diab and Hadi Sharara .. separated from Carole Sakr for her!


Maya Diab will soon be coming back in a new season of "Hick Mengni" on the MTV screen, and has stepped up the publication of videos and commercials for the program through her accounts on social networking sites.

"I feel good because I'm coming back," Maya told Intergram, accompanied by a sentence accompanied by a promotional photo of her program, showing a cream-colored dress and a medium length hairstyle.

Al-Jaras magazine revealed that the MTV deal with Maya Diab had shocked followers as a result of recent issues between the channel and its "sweetheart," distributor Hadi Sharara, when he had animated the "Menna Wagar" broadcast.

According to the "Bell", some people have asked Maya to agree to go on screen despite the recent disagreement with Sharara, who lives with Maya a great love story and separated from his wife, singer Carroll Sakr for Maya, according to the magazine.

Maya and Hadi have not commented on this and it is unclear if the news is true or it is just a rumor.

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