A Hail worker was captured while he was carrying fake veterinary and agricultural products


Thank you for reading: a worker from Hail has been caught carrying fake veterinary and agricultural products, we assure you that we are always trying to provide you with everything new and exclusive, now we are going to the details.

Riyadh – Abdullah Al – Saeed In hail during the transfer of veterinary and agricultural documents falsified the names and commercial data and sell them in the names of different institutions, according to the Ministry announced via the official account in the site social networking "Twitter".

The trade reported in his "trade" twitter that one of the offending workers had been captured at #Hail while he was carrying fake veterinary and agricultural items and selling them to different establishments. Security authorities to complete the legal proceedings against him with a view to his conversion to the public prosecutor's office.


Thank you for reading: A Hail worker was captured while carrying fake veterinary and agricultural items on the Gulf 365, and we inform you The content of the subject was written by Al-Riyadh and may have been transmitted or cited.You can read and follow the news of this source from the main source of the following link Al-Riyadh and we We are not responsible for the content of this news with best wishes for Said Day.

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