The symptoms and signs of bowel cancer are generally known to be nonspecific and unfortunately the majority of patients are diagnosed with symptoms or signs that can often mean that the disease has progressed.
The most common symptom of bowel cancer is vague abdominal pain. In the rectum, patients most often complain of blood in the stool. Tenesmus (tenesmus) is another major sign of bowel cancer.
And in a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, additional research was conducted on tenesmus as a marker for bowel cancer.
The study indicated that “abdominal pain in colorectal cancer is nonspecific and can be cramping in nature if the lesion causes partial obstruction. Otherwise, it could just be local or general pain ”.
She added, “The need to defecate without having a bowel movement, or pain during bowel movements or sciatica, could be symptoms of rectal cancer.”
What is tenes?
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Tenesmia is associated with rectal cramps, and when a person has it, they may have trouble producing even a small amount of stool during a bowel movement.
It is important to note that tenesmus can be a sign of many health problems, so it is always best to discuss the possible cause of this pain with your GP.
Medical News Today lists other possible causes of tenesmus, including:
Infection of the colon, which can be caused by living things, such as bacteria or viruses.
Ischemic colitis, which is inflammation of the colon caused by decreased blood flow to that area.
Radiological colitis.
• Abnormal movement of food or waste through the digestive system.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
• rectal abscess.
And the UK Bowel Cancer charity has warned that excessive fatigue can also be caused by bowel cancer. The disease was linked to iron deficiency, which later leads to anemia.
Symptoms of anemia include feeling very tired and may make the skin paler than usual.
You should consider talking to a doctor if your fatigue seems worse than usual and has persisted for at least three weeks.
But just because you notice a slight change in your bowel habits, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have bowel cancer. Your doctor will assess whether you are at risk for developing the disease by asking you about your symptoms and whether you have a family history of bowel cancer.
Source: Express
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