A “military way” to fall asleep in two minutes or less!



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Some people have major problems with sleep and insomnia, which can negatively affect how the next day goes and the amount of activity required to complete daily tasks.

But, have you heard of the so-called Military Method for Quick Sleep ?, described in Lloyd Bud’s book Winter Relax and Win: Championship Performance, where there are seven simple steps to falling asleep in under two minutes. First, relax your whole face, including the muscles in your mouth. Then drop your shoulders to release any built-up tension, letting your hands relax to the side of your body. Now is the time to breathe out, relax the chest and step forward to relax the legs and thighs.

Then visualize a relaxing scene in your mind for at least 10 seconds; If imagination isn’t your thing, repeat the phrase “don’t think” over and over again.

Within 10 seconds you should fall asleep; Be prepared to do this technique the first time.

However, it can take up to six weeks of practice, according to research.

This technology was first developed to help military personnel sleep in unsafe conditions, hence its name.

Other techniques

The NHS explained that good sleep “makes a huge difference in the way we feel mentally and physically”.

– Everyday routine

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Your sleep means more than you think about your health

The NHS has said that one of the most effective ways to fall asleep easily (on time) is to “get into a daily routine”. And if you can get up, relax, and go to bed at around the same time every day, it will really help you.

Calming methods:

• reading.

• Gentle stretching exercises.

• Meditation.

Anxiety management

Good advice shared by the NHS says you should set aside 10 minutes – not bedtime – where you can make a to-do list for the next day.

– Take care of your body

In order to fall into a peaceful sleep, it helps to avoid caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine, or overeating too close to bedtime.

– Perfect environment

Where you sleep can play a big part in how easily you fall asleep, how deep you sleep, and how well you sleep throughout the night.

Source: Express

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