LONDON (Reuters) – A team of astronomers announced Sunday that she had discovered a mysterious pink object orbiting the sun, the oldest solar system, using a telescope atop the Mona Kia peak in Hawaii. .
The body, called "2018 VG18" and called Farout
Or remote, orbit 120 solar units of the sun. (An astronomical unit is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, approximately 93 million miles).
The body, which is still largely mysterious, is also more than 22 billion kilometers from the second known object, another dwarf the size of Pluto, called Eris. The astronomer of the University of Hawaii, David Thullin, said in a statement: All we currently know about this body is its maximum distance to the sun, its approximate diameter and its color. Because too far away and turning very slowly, it will probably take more than a thousand years to go around the sun. He added: The newly discovered body is pink and perhaps spherical – like Pluto.
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