A new medicine for the depressed. "Nasal spray" diverts tendencies to suicide


11:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 10, 2019


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the go-ahead on Tuesday to market a new anti-depressant that would dramatically improve the treatment of these disorders, which often reduce the severity of its effects, according to the Arab website.

The Esquitamin molecule, in the form of a nasal spray, treats the suffering of adult patients with whom traditional medicines, such as Prozac, do not work.

The new drug will be sold in the United States under the name "Spravato", a production of Jansen Laboratories, which includes the pharmaceutical activities of Johnson & Johnson. Patients will only receive a prescription because of side effects.

"It's already a major breakthrough in the treatment of depression," said Pierre-de-Maricourt, a physician at Saint-Ann Hospital in Paris, who participated in clinical trials funded by Jansen.

Jansen's advanced trials focused on patients with traditional drug-resistant depression.

According to experts, the most recent advances in the treatment of depression date back about 30 years with the introduction of fluoxetine (Prozac) on the market.

"Our comprehensive escitamine research program has shown the benefits of this treatment for patients who are resistant to conventional therapies," said Hosny Menji, director of neuroscience at Jansen.

According to the laboratory, the molecule has proven effective in curbing suicidal tendencies.

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