A porn video revealed to a famous singer with a minor girl


Riley, 52, exploits underage girls, Lawyer Gloria Allard, a specialist on these issues, told a press conference in New York on Sunday.

Gary Denis, father of two girls, said he found the recording while he was packing old ribbons at his home and had written that he was an athlete. Kelly

When he began to watch him, he discovered "shocked" content that portrays R. Kelly "and sexually exploits American minors of African descent".
In the recording, several women accuse the artist of having links with girls under 16 years and sexually enslave them.

The new recording has been submitted to investigators and will not be made public, according to the lawyer, the third tape will be revealed 15 days after the documentary.

Lawyer Michael Avinati, who also defends the victims of the old tape recorder, was present.

Attorney Gloria Allard said she did not believe "any other tapes about R. Kelly", calling on people in possession of such recordings to "hand them over to the authorities".

It is reported that R. Kelly was released on bail of $ 100,000 after being charged in February with exploiting minors between 1998 and 2010. But he was again imprisoned last Wednesday for failing to pay for his ex-wife and was released Saturday after disbursing about $ 161,000.

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