A Saudi woman tells the details of the first case of harassment after allowing women to drive


A Saudi woman was harassed by a 20-year-old man in Jeddah while she was driving with her family on Saturday night to complain to the security authorities.

Samar Khan, Saudi Arabian, in a series of tweets on Twitter details the first case of harassment officially entered into force last month, the Women's Leadership Act said: "I have not given up my right to lead independently, I was harassed by a young man in Jeddah and he continued to move right and left on 3 lines in front of me. We imagined it, its speed increased above the speed allowed, to escape, to show my life and the life of my family "After the presentation of the communication, the security authorities m & rsquo; Contacted me within half an hour and asked me to make an official communication to the police station, and the stalker was immediately called "" I met the stalker (20 years old) and j & # 39; Was with a member of his family, he admitted to being a victim of harassment and harassment while driving and apologized more than once after giving up my private right. And respect for women leaders, and was released. "

Khan also sent a message to women, saying," Where can you keep silent about your rights! "The police cooperated to the highest degree, and the proceedings took only a few hours."

Last month, the Saudi Ministry of the Interior prepared a new system consisting of 8 articles , as part of the realization of 2030 Vision, to fight against harassment

The law takes into account the fight against crime in public places, schools and the role of pastoralism. Homes, social media, as well as those under 18 years old. The system guarantees sentences of up to 15 years in prison and a maximum fine of 3 million riyals. [20159016] 2017 was the most controversial in the history of the Kingdom,

In 2014, the statistical index of the Saudi Ministry of Justice revealed that the criminal courts had received 3,982 cases of harassment and abuse,, An average of 6 cases of harassment every day, cases of harassment of women and solicitation of events 9018] [ad_2]
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