A shark bites Katrina Zarotsky while she takes pictures


  Katrina ready to take pictures

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Katrina ready to take pictures

The Exuma Islands in the Bahamas are known for their white sand beaches, clear waters and countless photo opportunities.

When Katrina Zarotsky visited her with her boyfriend and family last month, she tried to find her. Katrina has seen people dive and interact with sharks in a small neighboring farm.

Katrina was eager to go to sea, despite the fears of her friend's family, to take some pictures with fish. The Little Shark

The "Little Sea"

The 19-year-old oceanographer, who grew up in California's water sports, made him adventurous.

She told the BBC: "Thanks to my previous knowledge of diving and water skiing, I knew that little sharks were safe. (19659007)

The place has become a magnet for tourists, and its images are seen online in many places.

After a few minutes standing in a position suitable for photography, some locals encouraged him to lie on the surface of the water. 19659007] says: "At that time, people started taking pictures, while I was lying on my back, after"

The father of his boyfriend photographed him at this moment and managed to record a series of events in a collection of photographs

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His little shark was taken by his friend's father

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She photographed the moment of Katrina's underwater conflict after biting her

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Katrina was seen covering the wound and raising his hand

A pirate was found underwater for several seconds, before being able to tear his hand from his grip

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The images show Katrina covering the wound of her instincts and raising her arm

Katrina says: "At this point your body is gaining adrenaline and feeling of getting rid of it, but I stayed calm."

"I think that if someone who perhaps cried aloud, or the waves that rippled around the fish, the situation would have changed."

Source of the image [19659003] KATARINA ZARUTSKIE

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Kater Na needed some stitches and antibiotics

After the accident, Katrina needed a few stitches and an antibiotic to heal her wounds, and some of the shark shards remained intact

The bite will have an impact obvious on his arm, but the bar says that she survived a situation that could have been worse.

Since Katrina's story spread in the US media, she has received comments and follow-up requests from new people, along with some negative comments as well.

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