A sign in the urine that indicates the most dangerous type of “cancer”


In particular, it can reveal to urine, its color and change in properties, any abnormality occurring under the skin or in the body.

And Harvard Health has said that skin cancer is “the most dangerous type of cancer. In rare cases, melanin, the pigment that darkens the skin, can be put into the circulation, and some of that pigment can. end up in the urine “.

The Health website explains that when urine turns “really brown” it may be due to the breakdown of hemoglobin – bilirubin.

Bilirubin builds up in the blood due to liver disease, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, or a blocked bile duct by a gallstone, tumor, or other blockage. If some of this excess bilirubin gets into the urine, it can turn brown.

Hemolytic anemia, when too many red blood cells are broken down at one time, also produces excess bilirubin which can contaminate the urine.

Although the pigment from the skin sometimes seeps into the bloodstream, it is still rare and common signs to expect of the disease include changes in moles.

The NHS says: “The most common sign of melanoma is the appearance of a new mole or a change in an existing mole. It can happen anywhere on the body, but the areas most affected are the back in men and the legs in women. , and doctors also recommend seeing a doctor. Any defect that develops or changes rapidly and does not go away.

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