Stomach bloating is usually a byproduct of eating too much carbonated foods, such as broccoli and onions. The build-up of gas pushes the wind into the abdominal region, which expands in response.
If your stomach continues to swell, it could be the result of an underlying health problem, and diverticular disease is one of them.
According to Bupa, diverticular disease is a disease in which small sacs, called diverticula, form in the lining of your intestine and grow through the intestinal wall, causing symptoms.
The health site also states that feeling bloated is a warning sign of diverticular disease, but there are a number of other symptoms that can accompany the bulge, including:
• frequent stomach pain – this can happen when you eat and may get better after using the toilet.
Constipation, diarrhea, or a general change in bowel habits.
• Lots of bleeding or mucus coming out of the rectum (back passage).
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Harvard Health explains that bloating can also be a sign of an inflammatory bowel condition or constipation, lactose intolerance or celiac disease or (in rare cases) cancer.
Sudden bloating is often a sign of a more serious cause.
“Most people who suffer from bloating start to experience it at a young age,” said Dr. Kyle Staller, gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard University.
If the sudden bloating persists for more than a few days, report the symptoms to your doctor or gastroenterologist.
Most of the time, bloating is related to your diet. And if eliminating carbonated substances from your diet does not treat bloating, it could be a sign of food intolerance.
And if you experience bloating or any other minor symptoms after eating bread, it is recommended that you try a specific diet, advised Isabelle Skibala, an allergist nutritionist at the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust.
This is where you completely remove wheat from your diet for four weeks, then gradually put it back on to see if the symptoms return.
Source: Express
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